So good, that we use them ourselves

Open Source DOM Components

Top quality, general purpose components. This is our gift back to the open source community. We hope you'll enjoy using these as much as we enjoyed creating them.

Each of these components embrace The 7 Facets of DOM Components — encapsulation, isolation, separation, modularization, distribution, customization, and documentation.

Corner Pocket

Website popup menu

Corner-pocket popup menu with default activation of the current page's menu item.

“Kanji” Designer Card

Discover and reveal text over image

Designer card with a horizontal title, a vertically transformed subtitle, and text revealed when the mouse is over the card's image.

The Lineup

All the usual suspects

A flexible pulldown menu using round icons as hyperlinks.

Nested Menu

Multi-column expandable dropdown

Navigation panel with items grouped into two levels.


Standing on the shoulders of giants

References to related documents, using standardized styling.

Reading Points

Percentage read, reading time & points

Briefly display the experience points a visitor will gain when reading a document, then track the document percentage read, and the elapsed reading time.

Reading Summary

Display a visitor's reading history

A dialog summarizing the documents seen by the user, together with reading time, and experience points gained.


A classy dialog box

Classic W3C web component for dialog boxes, with content either slotted from page elements or cloned from a declarative template.


Website pull-out navigation

Navigation menu with auto-scroll and default activation of the current page's menu item.


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Open Source DOM Components — So good, that we use them ourselves

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